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Lian Types
A review of supervisory data from Federal Reserve System compliance examinations reveals that GMI requirements regularly appear on the list of the most frequently violated regulations. These violations involve failing to collect GMI when required, collecting it when not required, and recording the GMI information incorrectly. To facilitate compliance, this article reviews the GMI requirements under Regulations B and C, identifies common GMI violations in Federal Reserve System compliance examinations, and discusses the new GMI provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act).
State law determines where the NFTL should be filed to compete against other lien interests. Refer to Exhibit 5.12.7-2 or your state statute for filing locations for various entity types. For U.S. Possessions and Territories (also known as insular areas), NFTL filing locations are determined by local law.
Generally, a levy extends only to property possessed and obligations which exist at the time of levy. An exception to this rule, IRC 6331(e), authorizes a continuous levy on salary or wages, but does not specify the types of remuneration that are covered by the terms "salary or wages."
The TFRP on excise taxes is limited to the types of collected excise taxes specified in IRM, TFRP for Collected Excise Taxes. Personal liability for other collected excise taxes under IRC 4103 may be asserted when facts and circumstances warrant.
The ExceptBy method is an alternative approach to Except that takes two sequences of possibly heterogenous types and a keySelector. The keySelector is the same type as the second collection's type, and it is used as the comparative discriminator of the source type. Consider the following planet arrays:
The IntersectBy method is an alternative approach to Intersect that takes two sequences of possibly heterogenous types and a keySelector. The keySelector is used as the comparative discriminator of the second collection's type. Consider the following planet arrays:
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The name in Chinese essentially translates to "linked pictures" or "serial pictures". The books were called "lianhuanhua" or "lianhuan tuhua"; later the "tu" was omitted and the term "lianhuanhua" became standard.[2] The official term lianhuanhua was not used until 1925[3] and was first employed by the Shanghai publishing company Shijie Shuju (World Book Company).[4] Prior to this, lianhuanhua were separated into different name categories depending on the region.[2]
In the 1880s, Chinese magazines such as Dianshizhai Pictorial experimented with the potential of this art technique. In 1884, ten illustrations to accompany a Korean rebellion narrative may be the earliest example of lianhuanhua. In 1899, Wenyi Book Company in Shanghai published the illustrated lithograph "The Story of the Three Kingdoms" drawn by Zhu Zhixuan. The format then was called "huihui tu" or chapter pictures.[2]
In 1916 Caobao newspapers bound the pictures to attract a larger audience base of middle and lower class readers. The rise of lianhuanhua's popularity was proportional to the rise of lithographic printing introduced to Shanghai from the West.[2] Shanghai comics journals in the 1920s featured more artwork, typically depicting traditional stories along the lines of Chinese mythology or Chinese folklore. Small publishers in the 1920s and 1930s were mostly located on a street called Beigongyili in the Zhabei district. In 1935 street book stall owners and publishers established the "Shanghai Lianhuan Tuhua Promotion Society" at Taoyuanli.[2] The illustrated stories were originally targeted to children and marginally literate readers.[1]
The books could be rented for a small fee in street kiosks. By the 1920s, lianhuanhua were also found in Hong Kong. These rental stores were common even during the Japanese occupation periods in the 1940s.[1]
Though lianhuanhua production decreased in mainland China during Cultural Revolution, many books were still produced.[5] From the late 1970s to the early 1980s, lianhuanhua made a major comeback. As in previous eras of lianhuanhua production, many of the books were adaptations of other films or television shows.[6]
Renmin Meishu Chubanshe (People's Fine Arts Publishing House), Shanghai Renmin Meishu Chubanshe (Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House) and Tianjin People's Renmin Meishu Chubanshe (Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House) have republished some of their popular lianhuanhua books.
Comments: Mucinous borderline tumors (MBT) - endocervical type: They show complex papillary architecture similar to serous borderline tumors. The papillae are lined by mucinous cells resembling endocervical epithelium as well as polygonal cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Additional cell types that may be seen include ciliated serous cells, endometrioid cells, and squamous epithelium. Most cases show neutrophilic infiltrate in the stroma and the neoplastic epithelium of the papillae as well as within intraluminal mucin. Mild to moderate nuclear atypia may be present. Mitotic activity is not increased. There is no destructive stromal invasion.
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